Youth Ministry

Middle School Ministry

Weekly Schedule
Sunday School 9:45 – 10:45  We start in the youth room then break off into age appropriate classrooms

  • 5-6th Grades in room E244N
  • 7th Grade, Confirmation Class in room E242N
  • 8th Grade in room E246N

Wednesday – JAM 6:30 – 7:30 in the youth room E240N/E213S
MYM – 5:00—7:00 PM 2nd Sunday of each month—with dinner in the youth room E240N/E213S

High School Ministry

Weekly Schedule
Sunday School 9:45 – 10:45
We meet in the youth room 5:00 – 7:00 each week
1st Sunday: MESH
2nd Sunday of each month—MYM – 5:00—7:00 PM with dinner in the youth room E240N/E213S
3rd Sunday: MESH

4th Sunday:  MESH

High School Mission Trip News

We are finalizing our summer mission trip plans.  Tentatively, we are looking at the week of July 8-15.  We are working out the details with the mission team!  

Who can attend?  Those youth completing 8th grade in 2023.  

What to expect?   The morning is spent serving at various community partners doing more physical labor such as light construction or sorting donations. The afternoon is focused on more relationship building such as visiting nursing homes or participating in an evening VBS. Each day also contains devotion and worship as well as training on using this experience to impact their home communities.

The event is lead by the team from Extreme Faith.  From the activities we will participate in to preparing our meals to leading group time.  This will allow for our adult leaders to focus on the needs of our young people attending.

Please begin praying if the Lord is sending you to serve next summer!

MYM Christmas in July


Messiah Youth Ministry

Every Second Sunday of the month, 5:00-7:00 p.m. for grades 5-12 in our youth room!

Each month all the youth at Messiah gather together.

Join us for a time of fellowship and fun!  We have wonderful hosts who will provide a meal for the evening, so be sure to RSVP.  Each month we will:

  • Eat
  • Have a Devotion
  • Fellowship

Join us each month!  

Come when you can, leave when you must!


Messiah Extreme Senior High

1st & 3rd Sunday Nights: 5:30 to 7:30 pm for grades 9-12

MESH is a Bible study for high school students.  We spend the first half of our time together hanging out, catching up, eating snacks, and laughing really loudly.  The second half is spent studying a book of the Bible.  We meet in the comfiest room at Messiah – the couch room!


Junior high At Messiah

Wednesday Nights, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for grades 5-8

This Wednesday night gathering is where middle school students (5th through 8th graders) can enjoy fun, fellowship, and prayerful support apart from their busy school schedules. We pray, have a devotion, and play lots of fun games which provide students with a nice break in the middle of the week from school and extracurricular activities! Youth room is open starting at 6:00 pm for anyone who arrives early.

Confirmation Camp

Messiah approaches Confirmation in a unique way. First of all, we ask that our youth come to Bible Class on Sunday mornings for regular strengthening in the Word. Our fifth graders study the Old Testament, our sixth graders study the New Testament, and our seventh graders study Luther’s Small Catechism.  Rather than adding to that a weekly confirmation class, we’ve created a yearly camp experience. Every summer we gather our students who have just completed fifth, sixth, or seventh grade and we take them to Lake Lavon Camp & Conference Center, where we run a Confirmation Camp for four days. We also take along some of our fantastic senior high youth who volunteer to serve and  mentor our younger students, while helping in various ways throughout the camp. During this time, our students have devotions together, worship God, spend serious time with our pastors and DCE studying God’s Word and the Catechism, do service projects, swim, play games, eat surprisingly tasty camp food, laugh at everything, and grow together. We’ve found that this time is often one of the best relational and spiritual memories our youth carry with them.