Statement on Corona Virus (COVID-19)

A message from Pastor Kollmann | May 7, 2020

Governor Abbott recently gave us some guidelines for our church to be able to offer worship services again. These guidelines are on pages 39-41 of his report that you can see online if you wish. We will follow his guidelines and continue to practice social distancing. The safety to members of our church is most important.

We understand that the decision when to return to church is very personal and will vary significantly for each of our members and guests. There are factors each person must weigh and determine what is best for their safety and health. We at Messiah Lutheran Church are supportive of whatever you decide. We will continue to provide the live-stream option, so you can worship at home. Either way is perfectly acceptable in God’s eyes, and you should never decide one over the other because of guilt or because of someone else’s expectations. God is good with your decision, because He already knows the plans He has for you. We want to be sure you know that we are doing everything we can to make the church sanctuary a safe place to worship. And as Bible classes and other services become available in time, we will apply the same expectations.

With feedback from the Board of Elders and the Trustees, Messiah Lutheran Church is announcing that we will resume regular church services in the sanctuary, starting this Wednesday, May 6, and also this Sunday, Mother’s Day, May 10. We will do so with Governor Abbott’s guidelines, so the church services will be modified in order to ensure proper safety and social distancing for those who wish to attend.

This Wednesday, May 6, is our National Day of Prayer Evening Worship. The service will be at 7:00 P.M. in the sanctuary and will offer Holy Communion. We will live-stream this service for those who are unable to attend. I will be having the message and Pastor Welmer will assist me with Holy Communion.

This Sunday, May 10, is Mother’s Day. We will offer worship celebrations at 8:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. with Holy Communion. We will live-stream both worship services at the links listed here:

We will offer two Adult Bible Classes on Sunday at 9:45 A.M. Pastor Kollmann’s Bible Class will meet in the Gym. Pastor Otte’s Bible Class will meet in the Upper Room. Our digital options can be found that the links listed here:

Pastor Otte’s Upper Room Podcast

Other Bible Studies

Links are also available on Facebook and Twitter. Be sure to share our live services with other people, and fill out the digital “White Card” in the links below the video player to let us know that you are watching and to make your Prayer Requests. You will also notice that there is a Bulletin printed on the website to help you to follow along with the worship celebration.

I thank you for continuing to make your offerings to the Lord’s work through our church. You are very important to our ministry during this difficult time. You can mail in your offering, or you can use your cell phone to text the word MLCPLANO to the phone number 73256. After that, just follow the prompts. You will be sent a secure page for a one-time set up of funding through your bank account or debit card.

Here is how we will be practicing social distancing according to Governor Abbott’s guidelines.

Before attending service:

-Those people who are at risk are strongly encouraged to continue to remain at home and to watch the live-stream service.
-If you are sick with any of the coronavirus symptoms, please do not come to the church worship service.
-If you have been in close contact with someone who has the coronavirus, seek clearance from your doctor and follow his instructions for self-quarantine.

While at church:

-Doors will be left open as much as possible to minimize touching handles.
-Face masks are not required, but are encouraged, especially when moving within the church to get to your seat.
-Wash your hands before coming to church and when you arrive at church.
-Worshippers will sit six feet apart at the end of each pew.
-Do not shake hands, hug, or have any other physical touching.
-Two or more members of the same household can sit together with six feet separation from other families.
-The pew in front of and behind you will be empty, with paper signage indicating where you cannot sit.

Worship Service specifics:

-You can pick up a bulletin on the podium inside the sanctuary.
-During the greeting, you can say “Good morning,” to the person near you without shaking hands.
-The offering plate will be placed on the podium at the back of the sanctuary where you can drop off your offering before or after the service. The offering plate will not be passed during the service.
-We will not be filling in attendance cards, so that you do not have to touch an ink pen or the attendance cards.
-There will be attendance cards at the Information Desk where you can write down your prayer request with your own pen and place them in a basket.
-We will have walk-through Holy Communion. A safe distance for being behind the person in front of you is two pew lengths.
-The pastors will pass out the bread. The elders will pass out the individual cups. These cups will be disposable cups, so the altar committee women will not have to touch them and clean them. There will be no common cup at this time.
-There will be no babysitting offered at this time.
-There will be no children’s or youth Sunday School at this time.
-Regular cleaning will happen in the church sanctuary and on the doors and restrooms between services.
-There will be no coffee or doughnuts at this time.

It is exciting to be able to worship again. Again, if you do not feel comfortable worshipping in church yet, that is okay. You can still listen to the live-stream of our worship services. Just come back whenever you feel comfortable.

Here are some common sense suggestions to help you through this difficult time with the Corona Virus:

  • Wash your hands with soap for 20-30 seconds.
  • Clean frequently touched items like tables and door knobs and cabinet handles.
  • Clean your portable devices like cell phones and tablets and computers.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with the crook of your elbow
  • Keep a one month supply of prescription medicines on hand.

If you are diagnosed with Covid-19, please let the church office know at 972-398-7500.

Continue to pray that God will bring healing during this difficult time. I believe that God is going to use this time to build His Church. God is in control, and God always wants the best for us. I encourage you to pray that God will take away the danger from this virus soon. I encourage you to trust God to take care of you. I encourage you to find in all of our social media the peace and the comfort and the hope that only God can give. God bless you!

Pastor Kollmann

We are closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and will be posting frequent updates here.

Messiah Lambs Early Childhood School | April 23, 2020

Messiah Lambs will remain closed for the rest of the school year.

Our director is in close contact with TX HHS (licensing), TX District LCMS office, as well as local and state authorities. Going forward there will be new policies and procedures which will affect how we operate on a daily basis and will be put in place so that we may continue to provide outstanding care to your children in a safe and healthy environment. When we return to school, we will have these policies and procedures outlined for you and will send them to you in your summer packets.

If you were planning to register your child for the upcoming school year and have not yet done so, please contact us so that we can be sure to get the process started to avoid losing your spot.


In closing, I would like to thank you for being a part of our Messiah Lambs family. Thank you for your patience throughout this crisis and for being a source of encouragement for us. Please let us know if you have any questions.
In Christ’s Service,
Amy Myers
Director of Messiah Lambs

Gym Activities | March 31, 2020

Activities taking place in the gymnasium including Wellness Wednesday, Sidelines, Open Gym, and all rentals have been suspended. Updates will be posted here and on our FACEBOOK PAGE.


Messiah Youth Events | March 31, 2020

Sunday School, MYM, MESH, and JAM have moved to ZOOM! You will receive weekly email updates. Contact our directors if you would like instructions.

High School – Elizabeth Ledford

Junior High – Vicar Matt Lee


Messiah Childrens Events | March 23, 2020

Children’s Sunday School and the Wednesday evening Lenten Family Services have been suspended in support of the measures to slow the spread of COVID-19.

We will be putting together material for families to use at home on Wednesday night. This will allow you to continue worshiping throughout Lent while following the Star Words of True Hope, something we are all in need of at the moment. You can find our Family Lent Service YouTube Playlists HERE.

We will also be exploring the resources we use for our Sunday School Curriculum, sending out and posting devotions that you can use at home with your children to keep immersed in God’s Word, as we together, put our trust in Christ alone.

As resources become available, you will receive an email or you can check back here,

With the Spirit’s peace,
Amy Plenger


LWML Lutheran World Relief Truck Load | March 23, 2020

Messiah’s LWML and Lutheran World Relief have postponed the annual shipment of donated items until November.


LWML Donna Pyle Bible Study | March 17, 2020

LMWL has rescheduled the March 28 bible study event for August 15.  Donna Pyle’s subject is Perseverence which is a study that matters in today’s rapidly changing lives.  Please join us on Saturday, August 15 at 9:30.