Pastor Otte and Messiah’s Upper Room Bible Class complete their series over the Red Letter Challenge with a discussion on the principle of “going” to make disciples of all nations. What did Jesus look for in terms of making someone a disciple? What fears may keep us from going forward to be disciples for Christ?...Read More
In this latest installment on our series through the book of John, Pastor Otte and the class discuss Jesus and His disciples answering others who have questions by telling them to “come and see” and decide for themselves. Class members also examine what brought them to church, and how we may be able to make...Read More
“You are the salt of the earth.” Pastor Otte and the class examine Matthew 5:13 to discuss the role of salt during the time of Jesus and why we, as his followers, are likened to this universal seasoning. Directly download the audio file here. Want to follow along with the class? Download the class notes...Read More